Green Energy Hub contributing to Germany’s energy security
May 5, 2022
Reading time: -1 min
We were present this morning at the first pile ramming for a mooring dolphin offshore Wilhelmshaven to enhance port infrastructure to accommodate future LNG and green gas projects together with Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Dr. Robert Habeck, Lower-Saxony Minister of Environment and Energy Olaf Lies and Lower-Saxony Minister of Economic Affairs Dr. Bernd Althusmann. It was a great opportunity for us to be able to present our project to them.
This was followed by the signature of contracts concerning LNG import infrastructure and an LoI between the Federal Republic of Germany and the land of Lower-Saxony to develop the ENERGY-HUB Port of Wilhelmshaven by ministers Dr. Habeck and Lies.
The ENERGY-HUB Port of Wilhelmshaven now entered the phase of realization and will significantly contribute to the German gas security of supply still in 2022.