TES Launches New Capacity Booking Round at Wilhelmshaven Green Energy Hub
October 18, 2023
Reading time: 1 min
Following an initial successful Open Season and subsequent additional positive reactions in the market, Tree Energy Solutions (TES) – on behalf of Deutsche Grüngas und Energieversorgung GmbH (DGGEV) - invites market participants to submit non-binding expressions of interest for additional long-term terminal capacities from 16 October 2023. The total planned capacity of the zero-emission terminal is equivalent to 15 billion cubic metres (BCM) per year, which corresponds to around 17 percent of Germany’s gas demand in 2022. For long-term marketing through the second procurement procedure, 3.4 BCM per year are available and will be allocated to customers on a First Committed First Served (FCFS) basis.
The Wilhelmshaven Green Energy Hub is a pivotal element in TES's commitment to decarbonize Germany and neighbouring markets by facilitating the import of both conventional liquefied natural gas (LNG) and green hydrogen based electric natural gas (e-NG). The planned start-up is in 2027.
A Shipper Information Platform (SIP) has been set up for those wishing to participate in the second procurement procedure. To register interest, please email capacity.whv@tes-h2.com
Notes to editors:
The FCFS second procurement procedure has been set up to ensure the dimensioning of supply to demand and that all parties have open access use of an import terminal, and it is thus a transparent and non-discriminatory capacity allocation mechanism.
The FCFS second procurement procedure has been set up to ensure the dimensioning of supply to demand and that all parties have open access use of an import terminal, and it is thus a transparent and non-discriminatory capacity allocation mechanism.